AUS 500

AUS 500, the new Atomizer solution – from alloy creation to powder within 1 hour

The Ultrasonic Atomizer Unit enables almost anybody to produce small batches of high-quality, spherical powder for the same target application as gas atomized powder at an affordable price and without having a complex infrastructure.

The AUS 500 is available in different batch sizes from 0.25-0.7l. The melting and alloying of the material in the crucible takes place with an indirect induction system (e.g. graphite crucible) or a direct induction system for high temperatures (ceramic crucible).

The AUS 500 is compact and only needs a few squaremeters floor space.

Data Overview of AUS 500

■ standard equipment, ○ optional, - not available
AUS 500
Generator kw 10
Temperature max. 1400° C
Volume in kg bronze** 5,6
Volume in kg gold (max.) 10kg AU 18 ct*
Crucible Volume in l* 0,245 - 0,7

*Liquid metal up to top level of the crucible

** Average capacities. Quantity may be increased by optimizing metal load using feeding systems.

*** Option up to 1800°C or even higher in development within a forthcoming EU-funded project.

All machine descriptions and technical data published on this site make no claim to be complete. They are subject to change and therefore they are not basis of contract.

Find more about AUS 500

Particle size distribution

Die Feinabstimmung der Fine-tuning of the particle size distribution is obtained by variation of the ultrasonic frequency and the metal mass flow:

To the perfect powder in 4 easy steps


You want to find out more?

Further Informations are in our catalogue

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